Tonsils are the two round lumps located in the back of the throat. Adenoids are high in the throat behind the nose and the roof of the mouth. As part of the immune system, tonsils and adenoids work to fight off unwanted infections that enter the body through the mouth or nose. Tonsils and adenoids can become infected or enlarged, causing difficulty breathing, swallowing, and sleep problems, or become infected repeatedly.What are the treatment options for tonsillitis? Bacterial infections are treated first with antibiotics. Drinking plenty of fluids and pain management are important during recovery. Removal of the tonsils and adenoids may be necessary if infections persist despite antibiotic therapy or enlargement causes difficulty in breathing.HELPFUL LINKS

Ready to have your tonsils/adenoids removed? Download our form on what to expect after surgery.

Snoring can be both socially and medically detrimental. It can deprive both the snorer and those sleeping nearby of adequate rest. Snoring may be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is characterized by multiple pauses in breathing. Untreated OSA increases the risk of developing serious, long-term health problems. There are different treatments depending on the severity of the snoring and/or obstructive sleep apnea. In children, snoring may be a sign of enlarged tonsils and adenoids that may need removed.If you suffer from snoring or obstructive sleep apnea, contact East Idaho ENT to schedule a consultation. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911 for assistance.

A range of different things, including the common cold, stroke, thyroid disease, or a tumor in the mouth, throat, or esophagus, can cause swallowing difficulties. The most common cause of dysphagia is gastro esophageal reflux, which occurs when stomach acid moves up the esophagus. If you experience difficulty swallowing, it is important to seek treatment to avoid malnutrition and dehydration. Once the cause is determined, swallowing disorders may be treated with a change in eating and living habits, medication, swallowing therapy, or surgery.

If you have a persistent problem swallowing, call to set up an appointment to see which treatment method will be best for you.
Already diagnosed with gastro esophageal reflux (GERD)? Download our form on how to treat it.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911 for assistance.

Every one gets sick from time to time, which can take a toll on your voice, making it sound hoarse or abnormal. Voice problems are also linked to overuse or misuse, cancer, gastro esophageal reflux, smoking, neurological diseases or disorders, or injury. Treatment may be as simple as resting the voice or modifying how it is used. Others may require surgery to remove vocal nodules, polyps, or cysts. It is important to have chronic hoarseness evaluated promptly by an otolaryngologist.

Follow these steps to keep your voice healthy:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid screaming or yelling
  • Warm up your voice before heavy use
  • Don’t smoke
  • Use good breath support
  • Use a microphone
  • Listen to your voice (don’t push it when it’s hurt)

If your voice is hoarse frequently, or for an extended period of time, call to set up an evaluation with our office. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911 for assistance.

Are you a teacher, salesperson, receptionist, or other occupational or professional voice user? Click here and here for more information on saving your voice in the workplace.

  • Listen to what your voice is telling you. If it sounds hoarse, avoid overusing it and drink plenty of water.
  • If you smoke, quit. Smoking is the major cause of throat cancer. If you smoke and your voice becomes hoarse, call to set up an appointment right away. Need help quitting? We can provide different smoking cessation options that will work for you.
  • You may have gastro esophageal reflux (GERD) if you constantly clear your throat, experience frequent heartburn, or difficulty swallowing. Call to schedule an evaluation today and download our GERD diet under patient forms.
  • Snoring may be a sign of more serious health issues. Monitor the sleeping patterns of your children and sleeping partner to see if further evaluation may be needed.

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We’re here for you. You can schedule an appointment by calling our office at 208-522-6335.

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